Piano Courses

"We train young talents, selected and coming from all over the world, so that they can live the profession of musician with dignity"

The Piano Courses are the core of Accademia Pianistica di Imola, born in 1989 under Maestro Scala’s will in order to change the music teaching method starting from this tool. The teaching method at the Accademia is built up of courses, seminars, practice and concerts, which are scheduled for every year by the Faculty and approved by the educational committee.
It is possible to enter as Auditor, under a previous authorization to be obtained by written request via e-mail to the main office address. Auditors may attend to all the Academy’s activities, under the single teacher’s authorization, but they are not allowed to write on their resumé that they are or were students at the Accademia.

The Academic year starts on  October 15th and finishes on October 14th of the following year.


Admissions to the Piano Courses at the Accademia follow the students’ age:

1)  Pre-Academic Course – up to 14 years old.
2)  Multiannual Course – from 15 years old to 19 years old
3)  Triennial Course – from 20 to 26 years old
4)  Post-Diploma Course (after diploma) – reserved to students who graduated at the Accademia
5)  Senior Courses – for pianists over 27 years old


Regulation  (Pdf)